Презентация На Тему Why Do We Learn The English Language

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  • Why Do We Learn English Language?, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом.
  • Why Do We Learn the English Language - топик по английскому языку на тему Зачем мы изучаем английский язык.

Why Do We Learn English Language?, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. It is necessary to learn foreign languages. That's why pupils have got such subject as a foreign language at school. Everybody knows his own language, but it is useful to know foreign languages. I learn English, because I understand that I can use it. For example, if I do to England I'll be able to speak English too. English is used not only in England, but also in other countries.

I learn English because I want to read foreign literature in the original. I know and like such English and American writers as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and others. I understand that I must learn English. If I know English well, I'll be able to go to the library and take books by English and American writers in the original. I like to travel. But it is difficult to visit countries, when you don't know the language of these countries. If I know the language of the country, where I am going to, it will be easy do travel there.

Презентация для школьников на тему 'Why do I like English?' Презентация на тему 'Why. Who learn the language. Тема урока: «Why do we learn English ». Мультимедийная презентация. Sit down, please! ” Are you ready to start our lesson? What date is it.

If I want to ask something, I can do it in English. I like to read books.

And I like to read newspapers, too. If I know, for example, English I'll be able to read English newspapers and magazines. Knowledge of different countries to understand each other, to develop friendship among them. For example, we have a foreign exhibition in Moscow. If is easy for me to visit this exhibition. You can see a lot of advertisement, signboard, names in the streets. They are in foreign languages.


Very often they are in English. If you know English, you can read and understand them.

Now we bay many clothes from other countries. If you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing.

It is clear for you what it is made of. There are a lot of films in foreign languages. If you know them, you can understand films without any help.

There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with the boys, girls, men, women who do not know Russian. In short, I understand that I have to learn English in a proper way and I try to do it. Перевод текста: Why Do We Learn English Language? Необходимо изучить иностранные языки. Именно поэтому ученики имеют такой предмет как иностранный язык в школе. Каждый знает его собственный язык, но полезно знать иностранные языки.

Я изучаю английский язык, потому что я понимаю, что я могу использовать это. Например, если я сделаю к Англии, то я буду в состоянии говорить на английском языке также.

Английский язык используется не только в Англии, но также и в других странах. Я изучаю английский язык, потому что я хочу прочитать иностранную литературу в оригинале. Я знаю и как такие английские и американские авторы как Чарльз Дикенс, Марк Твен и другие. Я понимаю, что я должен изучить английский язык. Если я буду знать английский язык хорошо, то я буду в состоянии пойти к библиотеке и взять книги английскими и американскими авторами в оригинале. Я люблю путешествовать. Но трудно посетить страны, когда Вы не знаете язык этих стран.

Если я буду знать язык страны, куда я иду в, то это будет легко, действительно едут туда. Если я хочу спросить кое-что, я могу сделать это на английском языке. Я люблю прочитать книги.

И я люблю прочитать газеты, также. Если я буду знать, например, английский язык, то я буду в состоянии прочитать английские газеты и журналы. Знание различных стран, чтобы понять друг друга, чтобы развить дружбу среди них. Например, мы имеем иностранную выставку в Москве. Если легко для меня посетить эту выставку. Вы можете видеть много рекламы, вывески, названия на улицах. Они находятся на иностранных языках.

Очень часто они находятся на английском языке. Если Вы знаете английский язык, Вы можете прочитать и понять их. Теперь мы лаем на многую одежду от других стран. Если Вы знаете английский язык хорошо, Вы можете прочитать кое-что о размере этого или той вещи. Это ясно для Вас, из чего это сделано. Есть много фильмов на иностранных языках. Если Вы знаете их, Вы можете понять фильмы без любой помощи.

В мире есть международные лагеря дружбы. Если Вы можете говорить иностранные языки, это будет легко для Вас посетить такие лагеря и говорить с мальчиками, девочками, мужчинами, женщины, которые не знают русский язык. Короче говоря, я понимаю, что я должен изучить английский язык надлежащим способом, и я пробую сделать это. Использованная литература: 1. 100 тем английского устного (Каверина В., Бойко В., Жидких Н.) 2002 2. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы.

Устный экзамен. Тексты для чтения. Экзаменационные вопросы. В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А.) 3. English, 120 Topics. Английский язык, 120 разговорных тем. (Сергеев С.П.).

., учитель английского языка Разделы:, A plan of an open English lesson Theme: Why do we learn the English lesson? Aims:.

to teach pupils the importance of learning the English language. to develop pupils’ oral speech. to consolidate pupils’ grammar knowledge. Type: Competition lesson. Equipment: cards, tables, presents (sweets) THE PROCEDURE OF THE LESSON I. THE ORGANIZATION MOMENT OF THE LESSON.


Teacher: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! Welcome to our today’s show which is called “Why do we learn the English language?” Today our children, who learn this magic language, show you how they are at English and tell you why they learn the necessary language. (a report about the English language) – It is necessary to learn foreign languages. That’s why pupils have got such a subject as a foreign language at school. Everybody knows his own language but it is useful to know foreign languages too. – I learn English because I understand that I can use it. For example, if I go to England I’ll be able to speak English there.

Учебник «Экономика отраслей АПК» подготовлен в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального. Учебник экономика отраслей апк шпоры.

If I go to the USA, I’ll speak English too. English is used not only in England but also in other parts of the world. – I learn English because I want to read foreign literature in the original. I know and like such English and American writers as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll and others.

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I understand that I must learn English. If I know English well, I’ll be able to go to the library and take books by English and American writers in the original. – I like to travel but it is difficult to visit countries, when you don’t know the language spoken there. If I know the language of the country I am going to, it will be easy to travel there. If I want to ask something, I can do it in English.

– I like to read books and I like to read newspapers too. If I know, for example, English, I’ll be able to read English newspapers and magazines. Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different countries to understand each other, to develop friendship among them. For example, if we have a foreign exhibition in Shymkent and I know a foreign language, it is easy for me to visit this exhibition.

– You can see a lot of advertisements, signboards and names in the street. They are in foreign languages. Very often they are in English. If you know English well, you can read and understand them.


– Now we buy many clothes from other countries. If you know English well, you can read something about the size of this or that thing. It is clear to you what it is made of. – There are a lot of films in foreign languages. If you know them, you can understand films without any help.

– There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with boys and girls who do not know Russian or Kazakh. – In short, I understand that I have to learn English properly and I try to do so. Teacher: Very good!

Thank you very much! And now let’s talk about the ABS!

26 letters 26 cards in half a pack 26 weeks in half a year 26 letters dressed in black In all the words you ever will hear. A poem A B C D E F G George is hiding far from me.

Презентация На Тему Why Do We Learn The English Language Free

Looking here, looking there I can’t see him anywhere. The ABC I wish I knew my letters well So I might learn to read and spell. I’d find them on my pretty card If they were not so very hard. THE MAIN PART OF THE LESSON. We’ve had warm-up exercises.

And now we’re beginning our competition, the main part of our show. Be active, speak English more and more. Then you’ll be given a lot of presents. Are you ready? Listen and guess what it is (who guesses the riddles he’ll be able to take part in the competition) (Riddles). What has no legs but can go? (a clock).

What has legs but cannot go? ( a table). Who can speak but hasn’t any sounds? ( a book).

What can speak and has a lot of sounds but hasn’t a tongue? (a radio or a tape-recorder). What is the 20 th letter of the English alphabet? ( T ).

What has teeth but no mouth? ( a hairbrush). What has a hat but no hair?

Презентация На Тему Why Do We Learn The English Language Language

( a mushroom). What is the 4 th month of the year?

Урок геометрии в 10 классе. Тема: Предмет стереометрии. Аксиомы стереометрии. Уроки по стереометрии презентации 10 класс. Методическая разработка Аксиомы стереометрии. 4 презентации.10 класс по предмету Математика. Категория: Презентации по математике.

(April). What has a mouth but no teeth? (a tea-pot). What has hands but no fingers? (a door) 10 pupils, who guessed the riddles, are divided into 2 teams. The 1 st team is “THE REDS”, the 2 nd one is “THE BLUES”. Talking about the colours.) Teacher: What can you say about these colours?

The Reds – red is a colour of a rose, the symbol of GB. The Blues – blue is a colour of our flag and so The Reds are our guests. The Reds – The English The Blues – The Kazakh Teacher: Now, we have 2 teams. Listen the 1 st task for you. “THE MAGIC WELL’’ Teacher: While they are doing the task, please, let’s talk about proverbs. (The other pupils are given 3 proverbs and they should translate them into Russian and Kazakh. For each right answer they’ll be given a score) Proverbs.

A friend in need is a friend indeed (Друг познаётся в беде.) 2. East or West, home is best.

(В гостях хорошо, дома – лучше.) 3. Better late than never. (Лучше поздно, чем никогда) Teacher: I see our participants are ready.

And now, the 2 nd task for you is to put the letters in the right order to make a word.